October’s Goals

Medical-going to try a different tactic here.  Instead of a dental appointment, I told him we’re going to get his eye doctor appointment done.  He is to think and research which dentist he does want to go to.

Car-after buying the stuff to get our oil changed, we need to put money in here again.  I’d like to get this up to $90. (Darn you oil change and antifreeze!)

Efund-I’d like to get this to $375.

Personal-lose 3 pounds and finish Insanity strong. I also have another 5k to run in November so I’m looking forward to that.

Blogging-set up a blogging schedule so that I when I get busy at work, I still have posts done.

After how little I got done in September, I’m looking forward to rocking out October’s goals.   You can see that I don’t have a house fund anymore.  I’m putting aside a little each pay check but it’s no longer as high of a priority as it was.  Mainly due to the fact that we are staying here for another week.

How are  your goals going? I’m only a week late in posting mine 😉

Insanity Update

Week 2 of month 2 is down. I missed 2 workouts near the end because I was feeling run down-but that’s better than getting sick.  I feel much better after some sleep and a stern talking to myself to not let work get to me so much.  Looking forward to these last few weeks and will be starting the week strong.

19 Comments on “October’s Goals”

  1. Glad you’re resting up. I like the idea of doing a bunch of blogs ahead of time so you can just post. It’s getting too hard for me to do that during the week. Good luck with your goals!

    • bogofdebt says:

      Thanks! I’m hoping doing some blogwork on the weekend will help but I am not always near a computer so if I can just set aside an hour or two each weekend I think I’ll start getting caught up.

  2. debtsntaxes says:

    Haha, Tricking your fiance’ into the dentist are we? I hate going to the dentist too so I feel his pain. Good luck on the rest of Insanity. I’m planning on starting P90 again sometime soon but I’m not worried about the physical part of it. I need to get the eating part of it down as that is just as essential as working out itself.

    • bogofdebt says:

      It is. I mostly do okay with no junk food and increased my fruits/veggies but I’m not sure what else I need to do. I could follow the meal plan but I dislike fish/eggs and those seem to always be on there!

      And yes, trickery seems to be the only option left 😉

  3. Is there a specific reason he won’t go? just fear? I’m being nosy b/c it’s my profession and may be able to offer some words of wisdom/comfort

    • bogofdebt says:

      He has just never been a fan according to him. I think he doesn’t like how a “bad” dentist can make you feel by talking down to you. He is trying to take better care of his teeth so I’m thinking he’s going to go soonish. Just have to find the right fit for him.

      • It’s true, it only takes one bad experience to really turn people off for a long time,if not ever. I know you know this but it’s so much easier to go now before he has a big issue (both financially and health) people tend to forget the mouth is connected to the rest of the body and there could be systematic effects for not going! Good luck! If you’re in Canada I may be able to make a recommendation if you need it!

      • bogofdebt says:

        Sadly we are not in Canada. And I think he’s slowly getting on board-he’s stopped saying he isn’t going to go and is starting to research so that’s a good sign!

  4. I can identify with your blogging dilemma. I was getting really burnt out, and so I cut back to 2-3 times per week. I also started setting up a two queue with automatic scheduling where the posts are written ahead of time. It’s like a 1000 pounds has been lifted from me!

    • bogofdebt says:

      I have always loved the days where i wasn’t rushing to put a post together because it was already scheduled. I’m going to try to get to that feeling a little more often!

  5. mycanuckbuck says:

    Not too bad. Lost a few pounds – but may have gained them back due to pumpkin pie and whipped cream! 🙂

  6. iheartbudgets says:

    The fact that you are writing down your goals puts you way ahead of me 🙂

    Here’s to an amazing October! 😀

    • bogofdebt says:

      Oh I have to write my goals down otherwise I fib to myself. “Did I say 5 lbs? I mean 1 lb obviously…and look I lost 1 lb exactly” or similar is very common 🙂

  7. I’m trying to lose five pounds by November 11th, but instead I gained three. I have to be more strict and not give in to comfort foods. You can do it!!

  8. I was also feeling really run down a couple weeks ago, and then my husband actually looked it up! Apparently, a lot of people just feel tired this time of year because of the days getting shorter. It messes with your seratonin or something…:) So, glad you’re also feeling better as I’ve also acclimated and am able to get through the day without a second pot of coffee or a nap. 😉

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