Spending Recap 3/19-3/25

Monday no spend day

Tuesday $4 Wal-mart (got to hate milk sometimes)

Wednesday no spend day

Thursday $5 gas station, $30 phone, $26 Netflix

Friday $107 Home Depot (gift), $12 Wal-Mart, $37 gas (b), $22 Hardees’s (date)

Saturday $93 Aldi’s (b), $ 54 Wal-Mart, $45 Wal-mart (pet supplies), $118 Wal-Mart (only $12ish over our grocery budget!)

Sunday $20 movies (saw the Hunger Games and only had to pay $4 dollars out of his personal money to get some popcorn and a soda), $3 video store


All in all I think this was a good week.  I didn’t foresee the  pet supplies but we ran out cat litter and wet food and his dry food was running low.  I don’t begrudge buying him it either because he’s part of our family and needed it.  Granted I could have bought a lesser quantity but this way I don’t have to worry about it for a bit.

I don’t know how your weekend was but mine was fabulous.   The weather was great, had some friends over and we tried out my guy’s brand new grill.  That’s what we picked up on Friday at Home Depot.  I budgeted $50 for his birthday present and an extra $50 for our date but he got to choose between a better date or a bigger present.  He went with the grill and I only went $7 over but we took that from our remaining date balance so it was okay.  But he’s happy and it means I have to cook a lot less. (He did get it a week early but I bribed him to go with me to see the Hunger Games so it was well worth it for me)

And I didn’t spend all that much this week!  Well, it looks like I did and we might have spent a wee bit much on some meat but I’m okay with that.   Most of it was (mostly) budgeted for!  And it is always nice to have a full freezer/fridge/pantry.

How was your weekend? I hope your weather was as nice as mine!

6 Comments on “Spending Recap 3/19-3/25”

  1. It rained all weekend on my end, but cleared up at least a little on Saturday. Bring back the sun!

    • bogofdebt says:

      I really liked it–I went in remembering that they couldn’t put everything from the book into the movie and that worked out well. There were a few minor differences but I think they adapted well. Did you see it?

  2. It rained yesterday but I was able to hit up the outlets on Saturday, yay! I love BBQing…my BF loves to grill, and I love to help!

    • bogofdebt says:

      Yay for shopping! I wish you lived closer–I need help buying a dress for the wedding that’s coming up in April. Ugh–I’ve got horrible fashion sense.

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