Internet Issues Resolved

A week or so ago, I wrote about the issue I was having with my AT&T service.  Well, the next day I was called around 2 pm even though I made clear mention of the fact to not call until after 5 but at least a message with a case number and phone number was left.  I reiterated to not call me until after 5 but did not get a call.  I was getting pretty ticked and was thinking that I might have to disconnect our service and just go with a different provider.  This would have been really sad as I actually enjoy our service—we have had no down time and get a great wireless signal.

But guess what? I got that charge they placed on our bill for no reason reversed!  They also signed us up for a better price—we’ll see about that next month.  But I am pretty excited that I got that charge reversed.  It means that we are keeping our service (at least for now—but I’m hoping the trouble stays away) and that means no having to pay a disconnect fee and then get new service.  Especially since AT&T happens to have the best price for what we want right now.

So it just goes to show to always review your bills.  If we wouldn’t have opened up the bill, we wouldn’t have known about the weird charge (for $110) on our bill until after it was debited from our account.  Our cable bill is only $48 so that’s a pretty big difference for us.  And it is always easy to dispute a charge before money leaves your checking account. (Or at least I think so)

Something else to be learned from this is when you have a charge you don’t understand that is on your bill, ask questions.  They couldn’t tell me why the charge was on my bill so they removed it for me.   I save money and they save a customer.  The trick is to be pleasant and polite even if you don’t really feel like it.   I’ve worked in customer service and always loved those people who were polite and pleasant even if they were having an issue—after all, it most likely wasn’t my fault that they were having an issue.  So I kept that in mind as I spoke with the agent who called me.  As I said, it all turned out and my bill is a normal price.  Next month it should be even lower.

Have you ever disputed a charge? How did it turn out?  Also be sure to go and check out Jana @ Daily Money Shot’s book giveaway!

4 Comments on “Internet Issues Resolved”

  1. Actually I just disputed two charges, one an overdraft charge on my (rarely used) bank account, and one an international texting charge on my son’s cell phone. I got the OD charge eliminated (yay!), and the cell phone charge reduced by half (my son paid the other half).

    So with a little patience, you can definitely recover some or all of your money sometimes!

    • bogofdebt says:

      Yup–and I am discovering that I have an amazing patience for getting back my money. Overdraft charges are just plain evil. I’m glad you got yours eliminated!

  2. I’m the same way, no matter how little the charge is, if there’s some weird charge on my phone bill, I’ll call them, and more times than not it’s a mistake on their end and they end up reversing it. Definitely a good idea to double check all your bills before you pay them.

    • bogofdebt says:

      I used to be horrible at double checking–I don’t want to think about the money that I’ve lost through not checking. Granted it’s not a lot but it was mine that I gave away.

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