My late goals for April

March’s Goals Revisited:

Efund: $150. –I managed to get this up to $130 so just $20 short.

Medical: $200-I had an appointment and now have $85 in it.

Medical Debt fund: $110. –Well, I have one saved for $76 and have started to get the second one saved up for and that is at $54 so technically yes?

New Car Fund: $250. I failed at this one and now have only $45 in it.

House Fund: $50-zero in it but I definitely spent more than $50 getting the table, chairs and a few other things (flowers, wall decorations, etc).  I even bought myself a toaster!

April’s Goals:

Medical:  not monetary this time! Instead, I want to take care of 2 appointments (and I already set one up so that might be cheating)

Medical Debt: $80—I think this is doable.

Car Fund- $100—this will have to be done a lot sooner than later.

Groceries: to stay at $150 for the two pay periods.  This will be a tad bit harder but knowing that I don’t have a lot of spare money should really help this out.

As you can see, I left off the house fund and e-fund.  This doesn’t mean I will be ignoring them.  I’m just not really sure exactly how much I will be able to contribute to them.  Even if it’s $5, I will be making some slow progress right?  And we will be trying to save as much as we can.

The house fund…well, honestly it’s kind of at a weird impasse right now.  We kind of need a microwave as ours is basically just a large counter-hogger.  It takes me about 4 minutes to warm up veggies if I use it.  It doesn’t spin so you have to watch it or the food comes out hot on one end and cold on the other.  I’m actually using it to store a cake I made.   But we haven’t really used one in a while and so aren’t sure if we should save up to get one or just continue on with what we are doing.   And that means buying flowers and other stuff to make our inside and outside pretty.

So there are my goals for this upcoming month! They’re late and I know most everyone else already has goals so I won’t ask you yours.  Instead, I’ll say thank you for the kind words and encouragement I received yesterday!

6 Comments on “My late goals for April”

  1. At least you got your goals up! I don’t think I want to post goals for the month of April. I usually just stick to the same goals and never revisit them. Instead I usually focus one 1 or 2 major goals and go from there. Hmmm.. I think this month it will be the same… work out a lot, study harder, and spend less. It doesn’t change much for me haha.

    Have you checked craigslist for microwaves? You may find some cheap ones!

  2. PS. I’d love to be added to your growing blogroll! 🙂

    • bogofdebt says:

      I’m so ashamed! You are supposed to be on there–I swear I’ve added you three times. Mainly because I think you are awesome and want to make sure everyone knows it. Maybe the fourth time is a charm?

  3. TeacHer says:

    Hi! I just found your blog and I love it! I hope you’ll check mine out, too 🙂

  4. Kris says:

    I love that you post the details of your goals – even if they are only a $5 or $10 change! Good luck with April. I know I’m trying to get through April and make a little progress on our debt. We have a couple of spendy months ahead of us, so I understand small progress!

  5. […] at BogofDebt, this post was a look at goals for April. I’m featuring it here for a couple of reasons – one, goals are always good, and I […]

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