Spending Recap 4/23-4/29

Monday no spend day

Tuesday $6 Brahms

Wednesday no spend day

Thursday no spend day

Friday $20 dinner/ice cream, $4 video rental

Saturday no spend day

Sunday no spend day

I don’t think that was a bad week at all! Honestly we could have done without the eating out but it wasn’t too bad I think.  Most no spend days in a while!  The guy went away for Saturday until late afternoon on Sunday but I was lazy and didn’t do too much.  I did learn how to play disc gulf with some friends but it was kind of laughable!  I also reaffirmed that I don’t catch—at all.

On Friday, there was that costume party at work.  My department went as a slumber party.  It was fun—I brought a teddy bear that I’ve had from before I was born and a “blanky”.  I was also able to be in pajamas and slippers for most of the day.  How fun is that?  And the best part was that I didn’t have to buy anything for my costume.  That was my goal—I didn’t want to participate in it if I would have to buy something.  And I was comfy—the only downside was that I really wanted a nap and could have just laid down at my desk because I was dressed for it!

This upcoming Friday I am going to be sending in my money to register for that 5k I want to do.  It’s only $15 and that includes getting a shirt which will give me something to wear to work out.  Or sleep in-my clothes are pretty interchangeable in that aspect.

I also am pleased to report that my alexa ranking is dropping nicely.

How was your weekend?

6 Comments on “Spending Recap 4/23-4/29”

  1. Michelle says:

    Great job on the no spends!

  2. really good job on not spending much. My weekend was good. My wife and I walked in the March of Dimes March for Babies here in Denver on Saturday.

  3. Nice job on NSDs! Those are hard to come by these days. I haven’t really spent much either…. gave up froyo and all that fun stuff.

    I’ve played frisbee golf before – is that the same thing as disc golf??? If so, I spent most of the time looking for my frisbee hahaha.

  4. Good job! I spent a ton this week and am practicing the ostrich approach.

  5. Good job on the NSDs! The pajama party sounds awesome – I would totally take advantage of that if we did it at my job.

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