Spending Recap 4/2-4/8

Monday no spend day

Tuesday no spend day

Wednesday $15 vet, $10 Chinese

Thursday no spend day

Friday- $24 haircut (p), $8 (p), $18 (p) JcPenney, $7 Dollar Tree, $28 (gift from the guy) bookstore, $91 (b)Aldi’s, $78 Wal-Mart (b), $115 Wal-Mart (mostly budgeted for) , $300 utilities/internet (b), $42 gas (b)

Saturday $9 Post office

Sunday no spend day

I was pretty proud of my little 3 and a half day weekend.  We paid the trash early and left enough in the bank account to pay for a few things that haven’t hit as of yet.  We also saved the money for AT&T for next month’s bill.  On Friday we spend a lot of money but almost all of it was budgeted for or our personal money.

I actually had to go pick up a book of stamps from the post office.  I still send letters and I would rather just have the book of stamps even though I could just go pick up one or two every couple of weeks.  Never know when you could need them right?  Also, our trash bill is the only one we cannot pay online so we need stamps for that bill.

About a year ago, a three day weekend would have killed our budget.  Okay, truthfully, it really couldn’t have been called a budget but it would have killed our wallets.  But we survived and if feels great—no more scrambling to find money to pay a bill we “forgot” about in our trying to enjoy the weekend style of life.  Thankfully, that style is behind us—we still enjoy our weekends but don’t need to spend a ton of money to do it.

I need to start building up a cat fund—we always make sure he has food, litter, cat nip, toys and flea medicine or whatever else he may need.   But those things can get expensive.  He’s a fairly finicky eater when it comes to cat food so we have to buy the same brand and style or he won’t eat.  And while his food isn’t expensive, it’s not cheap either.  I’m not sure when I will start this fund but it could be helpful—no more taking from my grocery money.

Over all, we had a pretty great Easter weekend. Even with this being the first larger payment to the student loan company.  How was yours?

6 Comments on “Spending Recap 4/2-4/8”

  1. Nice job! At least you got some no spend days in there. And you’re so lucky you got a 3 day weekend.. I had a 2 day..and it wasn’t productive at all!

    • bogofdebt says:

      I do love my no spend days–they make me feel a bit better about the amount I spent. I wish you could have had a three day weekend! I loved mine.

  2. Rachel says:

    Sounds like your new bill system is working; awesome that you paid the trash early! I try to pay on time but usually a loan or two, one vehicle, and the cell phone are late.

    • bogofdebt says:

      I got lucky and it came in the mail at the right time. I’ve been getting lucky with how we get paid and when stuff is due. Hasn’t always been like this though

  3. do you find that no-spend days help or hinder? I end up going nutzo on “spend” days to compensate for all those days I didn’t spend!

    • bogofdebt says:

      I used to go nutzo (love that word) on my spend days. But right now I kind of plan to do my bills/grocery shopping on the same day. I’ve also found that if I don’t plan my no spend days, it goes a lot easier on my wallet. For some reason if I plan one, it goes down hill. I just let them happen now.

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